We are not given a good life or a bad life.
We are given a life, and it's up to us to make it good or bad.

We are not given a good life or a bad life.
We are given a life, and it's up to us to make it good or bad.


Meet Shweta Palwe

Shweta Palwe is the co-founder of Abundance planner and writer of the upcoming novel Limitless. Her passion is energy and she is a firm believer of the subconscious mind. Her intuition is her superpower. She finds herself sucked into the 21st century. She is a daydreamer and night thinker. She finds solace through random quotes, making and listening to music. She finds herself imperfectly perfect. She believes that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.



by Shweta Palwe


by Shweta Palwe

Abundance Planner

The abundance planner is designed to bring about positive, permanent shifts in the quality of your life.

These shifts are the unique kind of freedom and power—the freedom to ease and power to be effective in the areas that matter most to you: the quality of your relationships, the confidence with which you live your life, your personal productivity, your experience of difference you make, your enjoyment of life. Abundance Planner works in the following ways:
  • It offers a practical methodology for producing breakthroughs—achievements that are extraordinary, outside of what’s predictable
  • It is grounded in model of transformative learning—a way of subconsciously learning that gives people an awareness of basic structures on which they know, think and act.
The Abundance Planner is grounded in the model of transformative learning—a way of subconsciously learning that gives people an awareness of basic structures on which they know, think and act. From that awareness comes a fundamental shift that leaves people more fully in accord with their own possibilities and those of others.



featured posts by Shweta Palwe


featured posts by Shweta Palwe

We Should Live Until We Die

This is a quote from the book, the Grand Design where Professor Hawking is likely speaking about the ideas of space and time. But, this also works when you apply it to your personal life.

I was sitting on the couch in my bedroom looking at the moon and stars, looking at the trees outside my window. I felt a profound sadness, frustration and disappointment taking over me.

While I was staring into the dark shadows and having an incurable homesickness of stars, all my expectations came flashing into my mind.

Weird is a Side-Effect of Awesome

I was at an outdoor event yesterday – including a “battle of the bands”. Watching one of the performers wearing outrageous clothes and acting out every motion in an epic way, the college students behind me all rolled their eyes and said, “What a weirdo” and “how ugly.’’

He was just awesome- juggling, balancing, and doing the moonwalk while playing soulful notes on guitar – and yes, he was a weirdo. He wasn’t like anyone else in the well-dressed crowd, but that does not make him ugly. He was immersed in his madness of gigs.



featured posts by Shweta Palwe



featured posts by Shweta Palwe


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