About Me

Hi, I’m Shweta Palwe

Most of my time is spent with words, as writing has been my passion since I could hold a pencil. I find it fascinating the way they sound and how their shape and texture moves off a page; weaving through the cells, through ones veins, and circulating to the heart.

I spent years being a student of biology, which gave me the insight to wonder about the magical way in which the universe operates with harmony. I find harmony is bliss. I want to inspire people to evolve and create their reality in harmony with all that is-to be in alignment with ones wildest dreams and their truest desires.

I personally like to read and find connections between all the different areas of life. I write on diverse topics, all the way from business and achievement to ego and the deeper realities of life. It’s all part of the same truth. I find that “everything is connected to everything else” is being played on the same key points. The key note is energy.

I am hungry for knowledge and experiences that lead to personal expansion. I have come to believe that experience makes us rich, but to get rich you need to know real meaning of wealth. Experience is wisdom gained after a few defeats and mistakes. I prefer to make mistakes than have regrets. I find that I am an intuitive soul full of love and enthusiasm for all good things. As a dreamer and visionary I enjoy challenging the paradigms with the belief that anything is possible.

I am the co founder at Abundance Planner, which helps to recreate your reality based on your wildest dreams and truest desires, using the underlying transformative principles of the subconscious mind and the universal law of attraction. I am also a part of a big breakthrough project which offers a minimalist approach to build an effective leader. Next 2 entrepreneur delivers important insights about building businesses based on art of money. The art of money works on basic principles of harmony, consciousness, compassion and creativity. My upcoming dream project is Small Indian Dream, which is based on employing the creativity for fragrance of freedom.

I am a grounded idealist who believes that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. All I want is to design a simple life; where the simple life is all about being intentional with the things you do, with things you own, and your ultimate passion towards your dream.

Your heart is beating and you are breathing. All the essential things of life are in the hands of instinct. When the body functions spontaneously, it’s called instinct, but when the soul functions spontaneously it is called intuition. All I believe is in my intuition because I think intuition is beyond intellect. It is something unrelated to intellect, something that comes from a place where intellect is absent. While mind means knowledge, knowledge cannot be spontaneous. One should move from thinking to feeling, from being to be.

I am not against anything except for disharmony. Because your head creates the most inharmonious situations, I want to put your head in its right place. It is a servant and not the master.
Whenever you are pushed in such a corner where your logic fails, don’t be desperate, don’t become hopeless, those moments may prove the greatest blessings of your life. Some things are beyond the reach of your head and when you are moving to reach these things, you should put head aside, you should be capable of that flexibility i.e. intelligent.

I am here to employ magical thinking; I have got the vibe that you need. In the world, nothing is permanent, nothing is temporary, and everything is changing at every nanosecond. Whatever happens around you is the part of a game, where the rule is survival of the fittest; everything is the part of the game called evolution.

So, why does something far from us seem desirable? We have faith in people doing well. We have faith in the universe, the moon and the sun. Why can’t we have faith in something near to us? The heart has already told everyone its desires and dreams, however why don’t people listen to their hearts? Let’s find our heart’s desires.

Just surrender to existence, there were days when each of my morning was a war and while I fought to survive, nights were full of nightmares. But the world took a spark like a match in the dark and the fire brought me the life. So, I am flaming the flames to climb higher, because there is no other way to feel alive.

Though my embers are new, I will follow my intuition, because it goes beyond logic and magic happens beyond normal.

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